In a heartwarming turn of events at the Disney Dreamers Academy, Shark Tank investor Daymond John made headlines by extending a life-changing invitation to a young entrepreneur, Te’Lario Watkins II.
Watkins, a 16-year-old from Ohio, found himself at the center of an extraordinary moment during a media interview at the academy when John surprised him with a personalized invitation to join him on the set of Shark Tank.
This unexpected gesture fulfilled a long-held dream for Watkins, who has been running his own business, Tiger Mushroom Farms, since the age of 7. Alongside his entrepreneurial endeavors, Watkins also founded the Garden Club Project, a nonprofit aimed at tackling food insecurities in his community.
John's heartfelt gesture epitomizes the spirit of the Disney Dreamers Academy, an annual mentoring program designed to inspire and empower Black high school students and teens from underrepresented communities. Supported by sponsors such as AT&T and Delta Airlines, the Academy provides a platform for young minds to explore career pathways, develop leadership skills, and connect with influential mentors.
Watkins' story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, highlighting the transformative power of mentorship and perseverance.