Daymond will be the keynote speaker of the 2012 CNP Expo in Orlando, Florida this upcoming May at Buena Vista Palace Resort and Spa. The CNP industry is trending and now there’s an event worthy of it. The CNP Expo—like, the publication that spawned it—lives at the crossroads of e-commerce, software, mobile, retail and payments.
It’s the place where the all concerned can converge in an environment that encourages open discourse between all parties. It’s more than just risk, it’s more than just security—it’s the future of CNP. And, since so many people have a stake in that future, it’s vital the barriers to attendance are low. The significant cross-industry support we’re seeing has made it possible to offer pricing to exhibit or attend that makes the CNP Expo the most inclusive event on the CNP calendar. is pleased to present two tracks for the CNP Expo. These will be packed full of focused sessions, roundtables, and special events.
Track 1: Evolving Technology in the CNP Space: Traveling the road from e-commerce to m-commerce in the US and abroad
Track 2: Leveraging People and Relationships to Benefit Your CNP Business: Expanding markets, motivating employees, shaping regulation, choosing partners and engaging competitors
There’s an early bird special on tickets that ends on March 26th. Use code CNPDJ10 for an extra 10% off registration.