Are 4-Day Work Weeks the New Normal? - TMZ LIVE

With more and more companies turning to remote work, people are starting to realize that their team can actually perform better with more freedom and flexibility. I’ve already gone remote with my company, and my team has stepped up to the plate more than ever. So, how about a 4-day work week? We’re all saving time without having to commute, right?

Personally, I’m all about it! When you focus on valuing your team and creating a motivated work environment, people are naturally willing to work hard. I trust my team to make the most of their time and keep the same level of performance, even if they’re working one day less. If you want to learn why working one day less can yield more success, this video is for you!

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Show notes:

  • 0:52 - 1:44 - The logic behind a 4-day work week.
  • 1:53 - 3:56 - How businesses sustain themselves with this change.
  • 4:05 - 5:18 - The reward that comes with it.

Are 4-Day Work Weeks the New Normal.

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