(This post was taken from Daymond’s weekly column on www.urbanworldwrieless.com)
This weekend, we spent Easter and Passover with our families and loved ones. We are often so focused on our careers that we forget the value of the ones we love. I’m often surrounded by individuals with fame and fortune, but nobody to share it with.
I’m not immune to this disease either, and have made this tragic mistake in the past as well. We often work so hard to take care of those we love, not realizing that fame and fortune eventually hurts those we were trying to provide for and protect in the first place.
Those with “TRUE POWER” come to learn that “NO SUCCESS IN PUBLIC LIFE CAN COMPENSATE FOR FAILURE IN THE HOME”…Benjamin Israeli. Take this time to value what is really important and everything else will fall into place.
Questions and comments welcomed or catch up with me on twitter @DaymondJohnFubu.
Have a great week.