It’s the middle of March. Spring is just over a week away. The “happy new year” email sign-offs have dried up, the gyms have gone back to normal attendance rates, and 2015 doesn’t sound like the setting from a sci-fi movie anymore. The year is in full swing, are your goals? How have you been doing on your resolutions? If you were to be equally as affective as you have been in the past two months for the next 10, would you be satisfied with your efforts this year?
If you would, that’s fantastic! Great job putting your plans into action! If you haven’t however, that’s okay, you have time, but now is the time to turn it up. The spring is about rebirth. The leaves are growing back, animals are coming out of hibernation, and you are going to rededicate yourself to your goals for 2015. Dust off that list of resolutions, turn it into an action-oriented calendar. Set hard dates for yourself. Hold yourself accountable. It’s hardly too late, but now is the time. Spring into action!
I know I always ask you to answer a bunch of questions in the comments, but this week lets hone in on one important question, the only question you really need to ask yourself, How are you going to make 2015 your best year yet? Give me a status report on your goals for the year. Don’t be easy on yourself, it’s time to grind your hardest! Show me, and more importantly yourself, what you got this year!