How One Mompreneur Used The Power Of Broke Mindset to Exponentially Expand Her Blog Business

Welcome to week five of The Power Of Broke Community Series! I hope you had a chance to watch last week's video on Timothy George from eLO Lipcare.

Today, I highlight Christine St. Vil, one of our amazing ambassadors, who practiced the power of broke mindset to engage her community and amplify her platform.



Understanding how to truly exercise the “Power of Broke” has completely changed my mindset in how I approach things in my business. For the last couple of years, I had been toying with the idea of bringing on contributors so that I can expand my blog business. There was only one problem: I barely had enough time to edit my own posts, plus I didn’t have the revenue I felt was needed to bring on the number of writers I wanted. Oh…and then there was that fear thing of “What if no one wants to write for my blog?” It’s a scary thing to put yourself out there not knowing how things would turn out.

After reading The Power Of Broke, a light bulb clicked for me. I’m a giver by nature. One thing I’ve always done is been transparent and share content of value whether through my blog, or through my social media channels (especially on Periscope). I’ve been a guest contributor for large sites (some for free and some for a love offering). What I realized was that I was happy to do it because the value I received from those that invited me to write for their platforms far exceeded the content I was delivering to them weekly or bi-weekly.

Using The Power Of Broke To Pivot and Expand

So I decided to use this opportunity to exercise the #PowerofBroke. I’m at a point in my business where I knew I needed to make a pivot and expand. So I decided I was going to get on Periscope and ask “Who wants to write for MomsNCharge?” My ultimate goal was to get at least 5 additional writers because I wanted to share new content on the site daily. Well, to my surprise, I was overwhelmed to tears after I got off that scope. I didn’t get 5 writers. That night I got about 15 and now we are at 21 writers.

In addition to that, prior to me putting out the request for new writers, I had already gotten a dynamic fellow blogger to volunteer to be my Editor (actually, she asked me how she could help me after receiving some mentorship, and I told her I needed an Editor). She has truly been a Godsend because I would not be able to manage all of the content from my new writers, if it wasn’t for having her to manage the process.

I used the power of the community I've built on social media, especially on Periscope to ask for writers to take my blog business (and theirs) to the next level. In exchange for their time and content, they are getting access to my courses, trainings and coaching. In return, they are freeing me up to spend more time building the other side of my business so I can continue to bring them opportunities that will help them build their own strategic relationships/brands for their businesses. 

Straight From The MomsNCharge Community

When I’ve casually mentioned the writers that I now have on board, people gawk and ask: how did you get those many writers to write for free? Well, I figured they could answer this question better than I could:

Any new skills I acquire are transferable to my business and will only enhance it. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity.” ~ Roslyne (Maya India Spa)

“The opportunity is worth it. Just because the reward isn't money, doesn't mean there isn't a reward” ~Violette (AbsoluteViolette)

“I said yes because I saw the value in being a part of the selfless & empowering community that you have built and I admire how you embrace your heritage all while getting things done!” ~Veronica (Fancy Legacy)

“You are warm, funny, authentic and generous, and it's very obvious that you genuinely love your audience. Your generosity comes across in that you want to help and you don't mind sharing your knowledge” ~Michelle (A Swirl Girl)

“The fear never goes away, but that's OK because my determination won't either . This guilt free mama has places to go and things to see ! Thank you for adding fuel to my tank” ~Shantae (Cocopie Clothing)

I literally went from a writer of 1 (myself) to over 20 and an Editor in about 48 hrs, and as a result, was able to focus on other projects that will bring in revenue (and be able to pay these fabulous writers much quicker). The Power of Broke gave me the confidence to ask for what I needed, and was overwhelmed by just how many people genuinely wanted to support me in return. Thank you Daymond and team!


I hope you enjoyed Christine's story! I encourage you to join the conversation below and tell me what you thought.

As a reminder, if you haven't submitted your story as of yet, I encourage you to do so by clicking here, scroll down to the bottom of the page and type away!

Have a great day! - DJ

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