10 Shark Tank Lessons You’ve Learned

Asides from what I shared on FastCompany’s blog about what the sharks learned from the show, I learned that the Shark Tank audience is more than just viewers-they’re active, off-air participants. They’re dreamers and critical thinkers who understand that opportunities are everywhere, and know how to take advantage of resources made available to them; during season three, the opportunity was Shark Tank, a “free” business class on television.

I posed the question, “What did you learn from Shark Tank?” and received plenty of responses on my Facebook page. After reading through them I decided to take ten to list in my power journal for those who would like to share them with others or reference them:

  1. Make it, master it, then matter.
  2. There’s always room for improvement.
  3. You can never be too prepared.
  4. Teamwork makes dream work.
  5. Sales is everything.
  6. Believe in your business, but don’t exert any energy of wrath when others do not share your vision.
  7. Look for longevity and quality in your inventions, not fast money.
  8. True valuation is not an opinion.
  9. Plan to be adaptable.
  10. Opportunities are everywhere.


What are some important lessons you’ve learned that should have been on the top ten?

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