Shark Bites – Week of March 9, 2015

We keep our eyes and ears open for new interesting information on a daily basis. Whether it’s a news article, a blog, a magazine piece, or even a conversation we overhear or have ourselves, if the information can help people, we’re on it. Shark Bites is a section where we share this information with you. After you’ve enjoyed a piece, feel free to comment at the very bottom of each new post. You’ll find that a little bit of new information per day will go a long way.

Yes, There’s a Market For That $10,000 Apple Watch
Apple’s Keynote presentation definitely left us with some curiosity about their new product. Check out this article on the recent news that Apple released about their upcoming wrist jewelry.
Apple Watch Pic
Check out the full article on

This smartphone costs…$40?
This is the cheapest smartphone we’ve seen since they first hit the market. Check out the full video on how this smartphone could hit the large markets soon.

Check out the full video on

The Payment Start-Up Square Expands Its Reach Into Small Businesses
No cash register, no problem. Check out this article on how the little white square has wedged its way into businesses everywhere.
Square Pic
Check out the full article on The New York Times

How Many Of The World’s Richest Billionaires Are Still Entrepreneurs?
Time is money! Check out this article on the top billionaires that are still active entrepreneurs in their businesses.

Bill Gates Pic
Check out the full article on Forbes

7 Keys to Small Business Success
If you have small start up, check out this article with some simple tips on how to improve and grow your business.
Check out the full article on Huffington Post

25 Life-Changing Style Charts Every Guy Needs Right Now
Every entrepreneur needs to go out in style. So check out these style tips for men on how to look fresh from head to toe no matter what you’re doing.
Check out the full article on Buzzfeed

Former delivery driver set to become owner of Aberdeen Domino’s
From delivering pizzas to the head of the business. Check out this article on how this Domino’s employee made it to the top in an interesting way.
Check out the full article on

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